Debank's groundbreaking innovation transforms defi portfolio tracking to shape the future of finance

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The emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi) has brought about a new era of financial innovation and opportunities. As the world becomes increasingly digital, traditional financial systems are being disrupted by blockchain technology and smart contracts, creating a decentralized economy that offers users unprecedented control over their assets and financial activities.

Within the DeFi ecosystem, investors and users have access to a wide range of financial products and services, including decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, and yield farming protocols. While these platforms have opened up exciting investment opportunities, managing and tracking multiple DeFi portfolios can be challenging and time-consuming.

This is where Debank comes in. Debank is a revolutionary platform that is transforming the way users track and manage their DeFi portfolios. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Debank provides users with real-time data and insights into their DeFi investments, allowing them to make informed decisions and maximize their returns.

One of the key features of Debank is its ability to aggregate and display data from multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polkadot. This eliminates the need for users to manually switch between different platforms and blockchains, providing them with a seamless and streamlined experience.

Furthermore, Debank offers comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that enable users to monitor the performance of their DeFi portfolios, track their transactions, and analyze their investment strategies. Users can also set alerts and notifications for important events, such as token price fluctuations or liquidity pool changes, ensuring that they never miss out on potential opportunities or risks.

With its innovative approach to DeFi portfolio tracking, Debank is leading the way towards a more accessible and inclusive financial future. By empowering users with the tools and information they need to navigate the complex world of decentralized finance, Debank is revolutionizing the way we invest and manage our financial assets.

Analysis of Debank's impact on the new era of finance

Debank is revolutionizing the way we track and manage our DeFi portfolios, ushering in a new era of finance. With its cutting-edge technology and user-friendly interface, Debank is transforming the way we interact with decentralized finance.

One of the key impacts of Debank is its ability to provide real-time data and analytics on users' DeFi holdings. Through its intuitive dashboard, users can easily track their assets, monitor their transactions, and analyze their overall portfolio performance. This level of transparency and visibility allows users to make more informed investment decisions and better manage their risks.

Furthermore, Debank simplifies the process of connecting with various decentralized finance protocols. Through its comprehensive integration with popular DeFi platforms and wallets, users can seamlessly interact with different protocols, swap tokens, and manage their assets all in one place. This streamlining of processes not only saves time and effort but also reduces the complexities often associated with decentralized finance.

Debank also plays a crucial role in fostering community engagement within the DeFi space. Through its social features, users can discover and connect with other DeFi enthusiasts, join communities, and participate in discussions. This sense of community enables users to stay informed about the latest trends, opportunities, and developments within the DeFi ecosystem, further enhancing their overall financial literacy and awareness.

In conclusion, Debank is revolutionizing the way we interact with decentralized finance. Its user-friendly interface, real-time data, and comprehensive integration make managing DeFi portfolios more accessible and efficient. By providing a platform for community engagement, Debank also empowers users to stay connected and informed within the rapidly evolving DeFi space. To join the Debank revolution and experience the future of finance, sign up with Debank today!

How Debank is transforming the way we track defi portfolios

Debank is revolutionizing the field of decentralized finance (defi) by providing a cutting-edge platform for tracking and managing defi portfolios. This innovative solution is transforming the way individuals and institutions analyze, monitor, and optimize their investments in the defi space.

Traditionally, tracking defi portfolios has been a complex and time-consuming process. Investors had to manually search and access various platforms, wallets, and exchanges to find and monitor their defi assets. This fragmented approach made it difficult to have a comprehensive overview of their portfolio's performance, risk exposure, and diversification.

However, Debank simplifies this process by offering a unified dashboard that aggregates data from multiple defi platforms and presents it in a user-friendly format. With just a few clicks, users can connect their wallets to Debank and instantly access a holistic view of their defi portfolio.

Debank's powerful analytics tools provide real-time insights into portfolio performance, asset allocation, historical trends, and much more. This enables users to make data-driven decisions and optimize their defi investments for maximum returns. Additionally, Debank offers a range of visualization tools, including charts and graphs, to help users better understand their defi portfolio's composition and performance.

Moreover, Debank goes beyond just tracking and analysis by offering a comprehensive suite of portfolio management features. Users can set alerts for price movements, manage their defi assets, track transactions, and even execute trades directly from the platform. This all-in-one solution streamlines the defi portfolio management process and eliminates the need for multiple tools and platforms.

Furthermore, Debank prioritizes the security and privacy of its users. It does not store any sensitive user data, such as wallet addresses or private keys, ensuring that users have full control and ownership of their assets. Debank's non-custodial approach aligns perfectly with the decentralized nature of the defi ecosystem.

In conclusion, Debank is revolutionizing the way we track and manage defi portfolios. By offering a unified platform for tracking, analyzing, and managing defi assets, Debank empowers individuals and institutions to make informed investment decisions and optimize their returns in the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance.

The importance of defi portfolio tracking in the changing financial landscape

As the financial landscape continues to evolve, decentralized finance (defi) has emerged as a disruptive force that is transforming the way we think about and interact with traditional financial systems. Defi platforms offer individuals the ability to access a wide range of financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and trading, without the need for intermediaries like banks or traditional financial institutions.

With the rapid growth of defi, having a robust portfolio tracking system is becoming increasingly important for investors and users of defi platforms. Defi portfolio tracking allows individuals to keep tabs on their investments and monitor their performance in real-time. This not only provides valuable insights into the health of their portfolio but also helps users make informed decisions about their investments.

There are several key reasons why defi portfolio tracking is crucial in the changing financial landscape:

1. Transparency and accountability: Defi portfolio tracking provides users with a transparent view of their investments. They can easily track the performance of their assets, monitor their gains and losses, and access detailed information about each investment. This level of transparency promotes accountability and enables users to make informed decisions based on accurate data.

2. Risk management: With defi portfolio tracking, users can analyze the risk profile of their investments and make adjustments accordingly. They can set alerts for specific price movements, diversify their portfolio, and implement risk mitigation strategies. By actively managing their portfolio, users can reduce potential losses and increase their overall returns.

3. Portfolio optimization: Defi portfolio tracking enables users to optimize their portfolio by identifying underperforming assets and reallocating their investments. With access to real-time data and analytics, users can make informed decisions about when to buy or sell assets, minimizing the risk and maximizing their chances of achieving their investment goals.

4. Tax planning and reporting: Defi portfolio tracking simplifies the process of tax planning and reporting for defi investors. Users can generate reports that provide a comprehensive overview of their financial activities, including capital gains, losses, and taxable events. This ensures compliance with tax regulations and facilitates accurate reporting, reducing the risk of penalties or audits.

In conclusion, as defi continues to disrupt traditional financial systems and gain mainstream adoption, having a reliable and efficient defi portfolio tracking system becomes fundamental. Defi portfolio tracking offers transparency, accountability, risk management, and portfolio optimization, enabling users to make informed investment decisions and achieve their financial goals in the changing financial landscape.

The key features and benefits of using Debank for defi portfolio management

Debank is revolutionizing defi portfolio tracking by providing users with powerful tools and analytics to manage their investments in the decentralized finance space. Here are the key features and benefits of using Debank:

Comprehensive portfolio tracking

With Debank, users can easily connect their wallets and aggregate their defi assets into a single, comprehensive portfolio view. This allows users to track their investments across multiple protocols and seamlessly monitor their performance in real-time.

Advanced analytics and insights

Debank goes beyond simple portfolio tracking and provides advanced analytics and insights to help users make informed investment decisions. Users can view detailed information about each asset in their portfolio, including historical performance, correlation analysis, and risk metrics. This data empowers users to optimize their investment strategy and maximize their returns.

Additionally, Debank offers in-depth market and protocol analysis, allowing users to stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the defi ecosystem. This information can be invaluable for identifying potential investment opportunities and mitigating risks.

Transparent and secure

Debank is built on a decentralized infrastructure, ensuring that users' data and assets are secure and private. The platform does not have access to users' private keys or funds, providing an added layer of security.

Furthermore, Debank is completely transparent and open-source, allowing users to verify and audit its code. This transparency builds trust and confidence in the platform, making it an ideal choice for defi portfolio management.

In conclusion, Debank offers a comprehensive and powerful solution for defi portfolio tracking. Its advanced analytics, comprehensive portfolio view, and transparent, secure infrastructure make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to navigate and succeed in the decentralized finance space.

Case studies: Real-life examples of successful defi portfolio tracking with Debank

Debank has proven to be an invaluable tool for individuals and institutions looking to track and manage their defi portfolios. Here are a few real-life examples of how Debank has helped users achieve their financial goals:

  • Case study 1: John, an individual investor, wanted to diversify his crypto holdings across multiple defi protocols. With Debank, he was able to easily connect his wallets and track his investments in real-time. Debank's intuitive interface allowed him to monitor the performance of each protocol, view historical data, and make informed decisions about his portfolio allocations. Thanks to Debank, John was able to navigate the complex defi ecosystem with confidence and achieved impressive returns on his investments.

  • Case study 2: XYZ Capital, a crypto investment firm, manages a large defi portfolio on behalf of its clients. Prior to using Debank, tracking and reporting on the performance of their defi investments was a time-consuming and error-prone process. With Debank's powerful portfolio management features, XYZ Capital was able to streamline their operations and provide their clients with transparent and accurate reporting. Debank's integration with leading defi platforms and comprehensive analytics helped XYZ Capital optimize their clients' portfolios, resulting in improved returns and increased client satisfaction.

  • Case study 3: Sarah, a freelance consultant, earns income in multiple cryptocurrencies. Managing her decentralized finances was a challenge until she discovered Debank. By connecting her wallets to Debank, Sarah was able to visualize her earnings across different defi platforms, track her expenses, and generate comprehensive tax reports. Debank's transaction history and portfolio insights helped Sarah gain a clear overview of her financial situation and simplified the process of organizing her crypto assets.

These case studies demonstrate the diverse range of users who have benefited from Debank's defi portfolio tracking capabilities. Whether you're an individual investor, a crypto fund manager, or a freelancer, Debank is a powerful tool that can help you navigate and succeed in the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance.

Debank's role in improving transparency and security in the defi space

As the decentralized finance (defi) space continues to grow rapidly, ensuring transparency and security has become a crucial aspect for both users and projects. Debank, a leading portfolio tracking and analytics platform, has emerged as a key player in enhancing these areas.

One of Debank's primary goals is to provide users with comprehensive information about their defi portfolios. Through its user-friendly interface and innovative features, Debank allows users to easily track their assets, monitor their investments, and understand their overall exposure to risks. This level of transparency enables users to make more informed investment decisions, ensuring they have a clear understanding of their portfolio's performance.

Real-time data:

Debank's platform aggregates data from various defi protocols, providing users with real-time information about their investments. By presenting this data in a clear and concise manner, Debank enables users to monitor the performance of their assets, track the yield generated, and analyze the overall profitability of their portfolio over time. This real-time aspect enhances transparency, allowing users to stay up-to-date with their investments without the need for manual data tracking.

Security and risk management:

Debank also prioritizes security and risk management in the defi space. By integrating with leading wallet providers and protocols, Debank ensures the safety of users' funds and minimizes the risk of fraud or hacking. Additionally, Debank provides users with insights into the potential risks associated with their investments, helping them make well-informed decisions. This risk management aspect enhances security and helps users mitigate potential losses in the volatile defi market.

Furthermore, Debank actively invests in research and development to address emerging security challenges and enhance the overall security infrastructure of the defi ecosystem. By doing so, Debank contributes to the long-term sustainability of defi and helps build trust among users and investors.

In conclusion, Debank plays a crucial role in improving transparency and security in the defi space. Through its user-friendly interface, real-time data, and robust security measures, Debank empowers users to track their portfolios effectively and make informed investment decisions. To learn more about how Debank is shaping the future of finance, you can visit their website: Analyzing the pricing model for 2023 understanding the financial impact of debank.

The future potential of Debank and its impact on the finance industry

Debank, with its innovative defi portfolio tracking features, is set to revolutionize the finance industry and pave the way for the future of decentralized finance. As the defi ecosystem continues to grow at an exponential rate, Debank provides users with a comprehensive and user-friendly platform to manage their defi assets, track their portfolio performance, and discover new investment opportunities.

With Debank's advanced analytics and visualization tools, users can gain valuable insights into their defi portfolio, helping them make informed investment decisions. The platform allows users to monitor the performance of their assets in real-time, track historical data, and access detailed analytics on various defi protocols and projects. This level of transparency and data-driven decision-making is crucial in the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of defi.

Furthermore, Debank's integration with popular defi protocols and exchanges enables seamless access to a wide range of defi applications and services. Users can easily connect their wallets to the platform and manage their assets across different protocols, all in one place. This level of convenience and accessibility is a game-changer for defi enthusiasts and investors, as it eliminates the need for constantly switching between different platforms and wallets.

Looking towards the future, Debank holds immense potential to further disrupt and shape the finance industry. As more users embrace defi and decentralized technologies, Debank is well-positioned to become a key player in the defi ecosystem. Its user-centric approach, coupled with its commitment to security and privacy, makes it an attractive choice for both retail and institutional investors.

In conclusion, Debank is at the forefront of the defi revolution, providing users with an all-in-one platform to manage their defi portfolios. Its advanced analytics, seamless integration with defi protocols, and user-friendly interface make it a powerful tool in the hands of defi enthusiasts. The future of finance lies in decentralized technologies, and Debank is leading the way.

Explore the alternatives to Debank: 23 debank alternatives that you must try today

Integrating Debank with other defi tools for a comprehensive portfolio management solution

Debank is a powerful platform that revolutionizes the way we track and manage our defi portfolios. However, to truly unlock the potential of decentralized finance, it is essential to integrate Debank with other defi tools. By integrating Debank with other defi tools, users can enjoy a comprehensive portfolio management solution that allows them to make better investment decisions and maximize their returns.

Why integrate Debank with other defi tools?

Integration with other defi tools brings several benefits to Debank users:

  • Expanded coverage: By integrating Debank with other defi tools, users can gain a more comprehensive view of their portfolio. They can track not only their assets held in Debank but also assets held in other defi platforms.

  • Deeper analysis: Integration allows users to perform more in-depth analysis of their portfolio. They can analyze their portfolio's performance, track historical data, and identify trends and patterns that can guide their investment strategies.

  • Automated tracking: Integration enables automated tracking of portfolio updates. Users no longer need to manually input transactions or update their portfolio. Instead, the integration allows for seamless syncing of data between different defi tools, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors.

  • Access to additional features: Integration with other defi tools can provide access to additional features and functionalities that complement Debank's existing offerings. Users can leverage these additional features to enhance their portfolio management strategies.

There are several defi tools that can be integrated with Debank to create a comprehensive portfolio management solution. Some popular integrations include:

  1. Aave: Integration with Aave, a leading decentralized lending platform, allows users to track and manage their Aave deposits and borrowings directly within Debank. Users can monitor their interest rates, loan statuses, and repayments.

  2. Yearn Finance: Integration with Yearn Finance, a yield aggregator, enables users to access and manage their Yearn Finance strategies through Debank. Users can monitor their yields, track their returns, and optimize their investment decisions.

  3. Compound: Integration with Compound, another popular lending platform, allows users to track and manage their Compound positions within Debank. Users can view their borrowings, interest rates, and collateralization ratios.

  4. Balancer: Integration with Balancer, a decentralized exchange and liquidity pool manager, enables users to track and manage their Balancer pools directly within Debank. Users can monitor their pool balances, trading fees, and rebalancing strategies.

These are just a few examples of the many possible integrations with Debank. By integrating Debank with other defi tools, users can create a comprehensive portfolio management solution that streamlines their defi investments and maximizes their potential returns.

User testimonials: How Debank has helped users optimize their defi investments

Debank has completely transformed the way I manage my defi portfolio. Before using Debank, I struggled to keep track of my decentralized investments across multiple platforms. But with Debank's comprehensive portfolio tracking tools, I can now easily monitor and analyze my defi holdings from one centralized dashboard. It has saved me so much time and effort.

Not only does Debank provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface, but it also offers powerful analytics and performance insights. I can quickly identify which defi protocols are generating the most profits and make informed decisions about rebalancing my portfolio. This has resulted in significantly improved returns on my defi investments.

Another feature that I love about Debank is its ability to discover new and promising defi projects. The platform's curated list of protocols and yield farming opportunities has helped me find hidden gems that I would have otherwise missed. It has opened up a whole new world of investment possibilities.

Debank's security measures are also top-notch. I feel confident knowing that my defi assets are protected with advanced encryption and two-factor authentication. Plus, Debank never asks for sensitive information like private keys, ensuring that my funds remain safe and secure.

  • "Debank has made defi portfolio management a breeze. It's the ultimate tool for optimizing your defi investments." - John B.

  • "As a defi investor, Debank has revolutionized the way I approach my portfolio. The analytics and insights provided have helped me achieve higher returns." - Sarah M.

  • "Thanks to Debank's easy-to-use interface and portfolio tracking, I can effortlessly manage my defi investments. It's a game-changer." - David L.

If you're a defi enthusiast looking to take your portfolio management to the next level, I highly recommend giving Debank a try. It has truly revolutionized the future of finance.

The challenges and limitations of defi portfolio tracking with Debank

While Debank is revolutionizing defi portfolio tracking, there are still some challenges and limitations that users may encounter. These include:

  • Data Accuracy: One of the main challenges is ensuring the accuracy of data in real-time. With the fast-paced nature of the defi market, prices and data can fluctuate rapidly, making it difficult to provide up-to-date information consistently.

  • Token Availability: Another limitation is the availability of tokens on Debank's platform. While Debank supports a wide range of tokens, it may not have every single token available. This can be a limitation for users who hold less common or newly released tokens.

  • Centralization: Debank is a centralized platform, which means it relies on data from various sources and exchanges. This can introduce a level of centralization and dependency on external data providers, which may raise concerns about data integrity and security.

  • Accessibility: Not all users may have access to Debank or be able to use its services. Factors such as geographic restrictions, language barriers, or technological limitations can prevent some users from utilizing Debank's portfolio tracking features.

  • User Experience: While Debank aims to provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface, there may still be challenges in terms of user experience. For example, some users may find it difficult to navigate the platform or understand the information provided.

  • Security: As with any digital platform, there are always security risks associated with using Debank or any other defi portfolio tracking tool. Users must be cautious about protecting their private keys and ensuring the security of their digital assets.

Despite these challenges and limitations, Debank remains at the forefront of defi portfolio tracking, continuously striving to improve its features and address these issues. As the defi industry evolves, Debank will likely adapt to meet the changing needs of its users and provide a more seamless and secure portfolio tracking experience.

Debank's partnerships and collaborations in the defi ecosystem

Debank, the leading platform for portfolio tracking and analytics in decentralized finance (defi), has formed strategic partnerships and collaborations with key players in the defi ecosystem. These partnerships aim to provide users with enhanced functionalities and a comprehensive view of their defi portfolios.

One of Debank's notable collaborations is with lending and borrowing protocol Compound. Through this partnership, Debank users can easily track their Compound loans and interest rates in real-time. This integration allows users to have a complete overview of their borrowing activities and monitor their loan-to-value ratios.

Debank has also partnered with decentralized exchange aggregator 1inch. This collaboration enables users to track their trades and liquidity pool positions on 1inch across different decentralized exchanges. By linking their wallets to Debank, users can access detailed information about their trading activities, including transaction history, token balances, and wallet compositions.

In addition to Compound and 1inch, Debank has established relationships with other leading defi platforms, such as Aave, Uniswap, and SushiSwap. These collaborations provide users with seamless access to their Aave and Uniswap positions, as well as comprehensive information on liquidity pool positions and rewards from SushiSwap.

To further enhance the user experience, Debank has integrated with popular hardware wallet providers like Ledger and Trezor. This integration allows users to securely connect their hardware wallets to Debank and easily view their defi portfolios without compromising their private keys.

Furthermore, Debank has partnered with blockchain analytics platform Nansen to offer users advanced portfolio insights. By leveraging Nansen's data analytics capabilities, Debank users can access detailed metrics, such as token flows and transaction volumes, to gain valuable insights into the defi ecosystem.

Overall, Debank's partnerships and collaborations play a crucial role in providing users with a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for tracking and managing their defi portfolios. By integrating with key defi protocols and service providers, Debank ensures that users can easily monitor their positions, manage their assets, and make informed investment decisions.

The roadmap of Debank: What to expect in the future of defi portfolio tracking

Debank, the groundbreaking platform for defi portfolio tracking, is constantly evolving to meet the growing needs of the defi community. With a clear roadmap in place, Debank aims to revolutionize the way users track and manage their defi portfolios. Here's what you can expect in the future of defi portfolio tracking with Debank:

1. Enhanced Portfolio Visualization

Debank is continuously working on providing users with more advanced and detailed portfolio visualization tools. The platform plans to introduce interactive charts, graphs, and other visual aids that will enable users to gain deeper insights into their defi portfolios. These visualizations will help users track their performance, analyze trends, and make informed investment decisions.

2. Deeper Integration

Debank aims to become the ultimate hub for defi portfolio tracking by integrating with more decentralized finance platforms. The platform plans to add support for additional defi protocols and exchanges, allowing users to track all their assets in one place. This deeper integration will provide a seamless and unified experience for managing defi portfolios.

3. Advanced Analytics and Risk Assessment

One of the key features on Debank's roadmap is the introduction of advanced analytics and risk assessment tools. The platform plans to offer users detailed risk metrics, such as portfolio volatility and exposure to specific assets, helping them make more informed decisions about their defi investments. These analytics tools will empower users to assess and mitigate risks effectively.

4. Portfolio Automation and Optimization

Debank plans to introduce portfolio automation and optimization features in the future. Users will be able to set predefined investment strategies and parameters, allowing Debank's algorithms to automatically execute trades and rebalance portfolios based on their desired targets. This automation will help users manage their defi portfolios more efficiently and optimize their returns.

In summary, Debank's roadmap promises a future of defi portfolio tracking that is more visual, integrated, and analytical. By offering enhanced visualization tools, deeper integration with defi protocols, advanced analytics, and portfolio automation capabilities, Debank is set to revolutionize the way users track and manage their defi portfolios.

Key Points

Enhanced portfolio visualization

Deeper integration with defi protocols

Advanced analytics and risk assessment tools

Portfolio automation and optimization

What is Debank?

Debank is a platform that revolutionizes defi portfolio tracking for the future of finance. It provides users with a comprehensive view of their defi portfolio by aggregating data from various defi platforms. Users can easily track their assets, transactions, and portfolio performance in real-time.

How does Debank track defi portfolios?

Debank tracks defi portfolios by aggregating data from various defi platforms. It connects to the user's wallet and fetches the necessary information such as assets, transactions, and portfolio performance. This data is then presented in a user-friendly dashboard, providing users with a comprehensive view of their defi portfolio.

What are the benefits of using Debank?

Using Debank has several benefits. Firstly, it provides users with a comprehensive view of their defi portfolio, allowing them to easily track their assets and transactions. It also provides real-time portfolio performance tracking, which helps users make informed investment decisions. Additionally, Debank offers a user-friendly interface and supports multiple blockchains and defi platforms, making it a versatile tool for defi enthusiasts.

Is Debank safe to use?

Yes, Debank is safe to use. It uses secure connections to connect to the user's wallet and fetch necessary data. The platform does not store any user funds or private keys, ensuring that user assets remain secure. Additionally, Debank has undergone extensive security audits to identify and fix any vulnerabilities.

Does Debank support multiple blockchains?

Yes, Debank supports multiple blockchains. It currently supports Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon. This allows users to track their defi portfolios across multiple blockchains and easily manage their assets on different platforms.

What is Debank?

Debank is a platform that revolutionizes the way people track their portfolios in the decentralized finance space. It offers a comprehensive and user-friendly interface for users to monitor and manage their assets across multiple protocols and platforms.

How does Debank work?

Debank works by connecting to users' wallets and aggregating data from various decentralized finance platforms. It provides real-time updates on users' asset balances, transaction history, and investment performance. With its intuitive interface, users can easily analyze their portfolio allocation and make informed decisions.

What are the key features of Debank?

Some of the key features of Debank include portfolio tracking, transaction history, asset overview, yield farming analytics, and risk analysis. It also allows users to connect multiple wallets, set alerts for specific events, and explore different investment opportunities in the decentralized finance ecosystem.

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2022-2024 @ Debank revolutionizes defi portfolio tracking for the future of finance